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the designers

Below are the untold designers. Each photo and name listed represents a designer I have researched and learned more about. Seeing each individual alongside their fellow designers is essential. It reminds the viewer how important this research is to appreciate how the field of design has evolved and grown and to acknowledge as many designers who have been a part of that process as possible. 

beyond thesis defense

more untold designers

The following are the other women poster designers of the WPA that I have identified through my research thus far. These are individuals I will research in the future beyond the defense of my thesis work. My research will continue until I have learned about all the untold women poster designers of the WPA. They won't be forgotten.

Charlotte Angus

Blanche L. Anish

Jean Bart

Leslie Bryan Burroughs

Dorothy Fellnagel

Albina Garlinski

Estelle Levine

Aida McKenzie

Mary E. Palmer

Isadore Posoff

Lynn Riggs

Lynn Root

Aurania Rouverol

Mildred Waltrip

Shari Weisberg

Louise Welsh

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